starting at € 499,-

Directly budget projects

Avoid overruns

Every type of company where projects – in whatever form – play a role can profit from Azor. This makes Azor extremely suitable for any services organization wherein accurate quotations, planning, invoicing and hours registration is an everyday occurrence.

Marketing agency
Marketing agency

Full support for all types of projects both strategic and production oriented.

Communications consultancy
Communications consultancy

Simple strategic communication consultancy projects budgeting, monitoring and, where necessary, with time adjustment.

Graphic designer
Graphic designer

Easily archive all your production files. Azor gives a clear overview of all existing tasks and progress.

Software for web designers
Web design

Fast and clear projects budgeting and billing for all your customers.

Software for system administrators
System Management

Invoice and manage all your current subscriptions, register and monitor all of your hours worked.


Advanced CRM management so you can perform targeted marketing efforts.

Software for Repair services
Repair service

Fast and direct billing through a well-organized database of all your products and activities

Software for Architects

Clear overview of your prospect database, allowing you to perform targeted marketing efforts.

 Software infrastructure
Software infrastructure

No separate applications. Azor provides a complete solution that supports you from the first customer contact through to the administration.

Financial services software
Financial services software

Easy and complete insight into the margins on all your products, services, projects, budgets and calculations.

Software for installation companies
Constructie / Montage

You have full perspective on all costs, so you always have a clear overview of the margins of a project.

Business services
Business services

Whether billable or non-billable hours, you have direct insight into the relationship between hours that lead to sales, and support hours.

Software for the self-employed

Insight into all actions regarding requests from customers. Provides professional and fast responses to those requests.

AV Production
AV Production

Azor is the central heart of your organization through which employees have direct access to all information regarding projects.

Software development
Software development

Manage all your current projects. Easy customer requests budgeting: fixed price or subsequent calculation, or in combination with subscriptions.
